The entrance to a vast city stands before the VIEWER. In the distance, several buildings of various heights spiral down a path. The buildings are all uniquely shaped, and shaped with whimsy; some are round, some are shaped like hearts, others like cherries, and several other architectural abominations are scattered around the vicinity. The sky, once the viewer steps past the entrance, floods into a light lavender above, each cloud a dark violet with a radiating blue sun.
There is a welcome center directly ahead, pooling at the end of a dark brick pathway. It looks like a quaint inn, covered in windows and surrounded by plants. The sign above it reads WELCOME TO SONNET CITY, POPULATION CURRENTLY UNKNOWN. In smaller, handwritten font beneath the population count: Sorry, Jemma lost the records again!
[[The viewer enters the visitor center, looking around with caution.]]
The interior of the visitor center doesn't match the outside; it is minimalistic, white, devoid of life. In the middle of an otherwise barren room rests a tall, interactive screen that is just begging to be touched.
The viewer approaches it, and the screen lights up. A display turns on, reading: (link: "BROWSE MEMBERS?")[(goto-url: 'https://alien.nekoweb.org/home.html')]